Monday, March 15, 2010

The Lost Boys Of Sudan

The video was about the boys who were forced to immigrate to other countries because of the raging war in Sudan. When the boys were moved to a different country, United States of America, the boys, especially Peter, had a hard time getting a job, fitting in the society and many more but the most hardest difficulties they faced was the fitting in with other people at school and at his neighbourhood because all the black people was a little bit darker than he was so that caused him to feel lonely. Peter was having difficulty because of the lack of time, when he first came to America, he thought it would be so great but after, he reliezed it wasnt. He wanted to join the basketball team because he thought he could be better than other people and also he had to pay and find a work place because he had to pay the rent of the house that he was living in.

When Peter first got to America, he thought everything was going to alright becuase he thought his culture wouldnt change and might have thought that people might respect where he came from but it was different from his thinking. When he played basketball, he couldnt win because everyone was playing rough and not fairly. They started to think that they should forget about their African culture and go with the American culture because nothing from their culture matched with the others.

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